Comparison Chart
Click on a disease to learn more, and to see larger images. Use Symptom Search to look for certain disease features.
Acronym | Name | SAID group | Gene | Inheritance | Ethnicity | Frequency | Timing of symptoms | Age of onset | Skin cutaneous | Neurologic | Auditory | Ophthalamic | Cardiopulmonary | Abdominal | Lymphatic | Joints bones muscles cartilage | Vasculitis | Amyloidosis | Abnormal labs |
Familial Mediterranean Fever | Pyrin-associated Autoinflammatory Diseases (PAAD) | MEFV | Autosomal recessive in the majority of patients. Some cases have gene-dosage-dependent autosomal dominant inheritance. [10] | Turk, Armenian, Arab, Sephardic Jew, Italian. [1] FMF is the most common inherited periodic fever syndrome. | In specific ethnic groups, the carrier frequency of MEFV variants is up to 1:5 people. [1] | 12-72 hours. [1] [9] Recurrent fever and flares can occur weekly, or only a few times a year. | Infancy, to under 20 years of age for the onset of the first symptoms. [9] Adult-onset is uncommon, but can occur. | Erysipeloid (erysipelas-like) erythema on the ankle–foot–below knee region that lasts 2-3 days during flares of symptoms. [1] | Fevers. Acute aseptic meningitis is rare and can occur during flares, but is never chronic. [1] Other neurological involvement is very rarely seen in FMF. | Uncommon–not believed to be caused by a FMF disorder. [1] | Very rare to uncommon. [1] | 45% have pleuritis, painful respiration with flares. Some with pericarditis. [1] | Sterile peritonitis, pain, and/or constipation with flares. Splenomegaly. [1] Some cases of inflammation causing appendicitis symptoms, but the appendix is inflamed, not infected. | Splenomegaly is common. Some have lymphadenopathy. [1] | Mono or polyarthritis, oligoarthritis and clubbing are common. Ankle arthralgias are common. Severe arthritis of the hip or ankle is rare. [1] | Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). [1] | Secondary Amyloidosis is common. >50% in untreated patients; it depends on genotype. [9] | High: ESR, CRP, SAA between flares. Fibrinogen, leukocytosis present with flares. [1] M694V and some with V726A mutations have higher risk for elevated IgD, and higher risk of more notable FMF symptoms, especially arthritis. [127] Elevated serum IgD levels 10% to 13% of patients with FMF (and TRAPS) [128] |
Main authors:
Karen Durrant RN, BSN–President of The Autoinflammatory Alliance (, & Dr Juan Ignacio Aróstegui MD–Immunologist at the CDB Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain & Director of La Unidad de Enfermedades Autoinflamatorias (
Acknowledgements: A special thanks to the many medical doctors who have helped to make voluntary suggestions in regards to the original comparative chart, and suggestions for our new Autoinflammatory Search Database: Dr Juan Ignacio Aróstegui, Dr Hal Hoffman, Dr Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky, Dr Scott Canna, Dr Anna Simon, Dr Polly Ferguson, Dr Rebecca Marsh, Dr Daniel Kastner, Dr Luca Cantarini, Dr Véronique Hentgen, Dr Nico M. Wulffraat, Dr Kieron Leslie, Dr Lori Broderick, Dr Mikail Kostik, Dr Beata Wolska, Dr Joost Frenkel, Dr Dan Kastner, Dr Helen Lachmann, Dr Jonathan Hausmann, Dr Phillip Kahn, Dr Israel Andrews, and to all that have been using our materials to educate others about autoinflammatory diseases worldwide.
Thank you to Black Peacock SE, especially David Schwieler, Tommy Westerberg and Lotti Ungerth Fastmarken for all your amazing work on this database. Also to Nathan Durrant and Jennifer Tousseau for all your help on this, the original chart, and many projects. Our deepest thanks to all of The Autoinflammatory Alliance Board of Directors, & to all the patients & families who have supplied images for this chart, & support for the Autoinflammatory Alliance. You are our greatest inspiration and strength!
Great thanks to all of the doctors from the International Society of Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases (ISSAID) for their research & dedication to patients with autoinflammatory diseases, plus the opportunity to present the original chart in a poster session at the Autoinflammation 2013 Congress. Thanks for the inspiration for this chart also go to: The Translational Autoinflammatory Disease Section at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) & The National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH); The Spanish Society of Pediatric Rheumatology (SERPE) & La Unidad de Enfermedades Autoinflamatorias; The French Centre de Référence des Maladies Auto-inflammatoires (CeRéMAI) & Le Club Rhumatismes et Inflamations; Dermatology Online Atlas. (DermIS Dermatology Information System), the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS),European League Against Rheumatism(EULAR), PRINTO, the EUROFEVER Project, the SHARE Consortium, The National Amyloidosis Centre, UK, The Interuniversity autoinflammation workgroup & Nijmegen center for Immunodeficiency and Autoinflammation (NCIA) of the Radboud Nijmegen University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, The American College of Rheumatology (ACR), CARRA, FAVOR & the many other research centers and doctors around the world.
Disclosure: All of the doctors involved in the authorship, review, editing and creation of this chart voluntarily donated their help for this educational reference, & received no financial compensation. Karen Durrant, RN has only received reimbursement only for for out-of-pocket travel costs from SOBI to attend a few meetings as a patient representative, but has received no personal financial compensation from any pharmaceutical company.
Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (Sobi), of Stockholm, Sweden provided the Autoinflammatory Alliance with an unrestricted grant in 2014 to support the development of this Autoinflammatory Search Database to help to educate medical professionals, and a future collection of disease-specific websites for patients. This grant, along with donated funds from the general public and patient community has helped to make this monumental project a reality, and we are so thankful!
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. provided The NOMID Alliance (now known as the Autoinflammatory Alliance) with an unrestricted grant in 2012 to help with the initial development & printing costs for the first comparative chart in print. An unrestricted grant from Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (Sobi) in 2013 supported many projects, including: the printing of the final comparative chart that we distributed at the 2013 ACR meeting, and 2014 PRYSM meeting, in addition to mailings to doctors worldwide. The NOMID Alliance has received a number of unrestricted grants at various times from Regeneron, Novartis & Sobi for grant-specific projects.
List of abbreviations:
- ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (lab test)
- ADA2: Adenosine deaminase 2
- ANCA+ Vasculitis: Granulomatosis w/polyangiitis (GPA); Wegener’s
- ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- CD14+ monocytes: Cluster of differentiation 14 positive monocytes
- CD19: B-lymphocyte antigen CD19-aka Cluster of Differentiation 19
- CD25: Soluble interleukin-2-receptor
- CNS: Central Nervous System (involving the brain, spinal cord)
- CRP: C-reactive protein (lab test);
- DIC: Disseminated intravascular coagulation
- ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (lab test); Westergren ESR
- GI: Gastrointestinal (organs in the abdomen)
- HSP: Henoch–Schönlein purpura, anaphylactoid purpura
- ICP: Intracranial pressure
- IDDM: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- IL-18: Interleukin 18
- LFTs: Liver function tests (lab test): AST, ALT, GGT, ALK Phos, Bilirubin
- NK cells: Natural killer cells
- PMNs: Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (on lab tests w/ WBC count)
- PTT: Partial thromboplastin time (lab test)
- SAA: Serum amyloid A protein (lab test)
- TSH: Thyroid-stimulating hormone (lab test); thyrotropin
- WBC: White Blood Count (lab test)